HHV Advanced Technologies
HHV Advanced Technologies is ranked amongst the global leaders in thin film technology. It has a wide international market presence and is particularly strong in executing large, highly sophisticated customized thin film deposition equipment for a range of applications. For over five decades, we have been designing, developing thin-film coatings and fabricating optics for the space, defence and industrial sectors. HHVAT's R&D team has been closely associated with world renowned scientists in thin film technology to develop advanced thin film deposition products.
HHV Group
The HHV Group is India’s premier thin film and vacuum technology group, with almost six decades of expertise in the design and manufacture of high vacuum equipment for research and industrial applications. HHV’s products are integral to multiple sectors that include Aerospace, Automotive and Defense. HHV has multiple manufacturing centres located in and around Bengaluru, India. HHV is a leading exporter for coating equipment with branches in the United Kingdom and distributors worldwide.
Nagarjun Sakhamuri
Managing Director
Nagarjun Sakhamuri has been a Managing Director at Hind High Vacuum Company Pvt. Ltd. and its affiliated companies since 1986. Nagarjun holds a Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering from Wayne State University, USA.
Prasanth Sakhamuri
Managing Director
Prasanth Sakhamuri has been a Managing Director at Hind High Vacuum Company Pvt. Ltd. and its affiliated companies since 1986. Prasanth holds a Masters in Business Administration from the IRMA, Anand, Gujarat, India.
Our Foundations
Our Mission
To contribute to the welfare of the society by providing products and solutions of excellence based on vacuum technology
Our Vision
To be a world-classvacuum technology company
Our Values
● Complete customer satisfaction● Constant technology innovation● Investing in people through training and development● Motivating people through involvement and empowerment● Creating an environment that champions respect and kindness